Welcome! I'm glad you've found your way here. Being a parent of a tiny human is a constant guessing game: are they screaming because they're hungry again? Didn't we just eat 45 minutes ago? Is it gas? (It's always gas.) Or maybe a growth spurt? This app is telling me it's a 'leap' - what the heck is a leap anyway? In the modern world this often leads to a manic bout of Googling through mom-blogs, news articles, and parenting books, and then wading through the seemingly endless set of (often contradictory) recommendations.
This is not the place with all the answers (sorry). Instead, this is the place where we start searching for answers and explanations from a simple premise: we have been raising tiny humans for hundreds of thousands of years, and raising tiny hominins of the non-human sort for millennia before that. By looking into our evolutionary past, I propose that we can find explanations for some of the chaos in our present (and maybe even some answers for how to do better in the future).
Humans are biological creatures shaped by millions of years of evolution; we are also cultural creatures living in the modern present. Sometimes, the traits that have been selected for evolutionarily are at odds with the cultural moment around us. If we understand where we come from in a deep-time sense, perhaps we can better understand (and manage) the chaotic, beautiful present we inhabit with our tiny humans.
So join me, and let's go back in time in order to better understand our parenting present.